• Was anziehen bei 20 Grad? Styling-Tipps für den Übergang

    by admin on 2023-03-16 16:58:44
    Home / Mode & Beauty / Styling-TippsDie Wetter-App sagt 20 Grad voraus und du stehst ratlos vorm Kleiderschrank? Hier kommt Styling-Hilfe! Mit unseren Tipps und Outfit-Ideen weißt du zukünftig, was du bei 20 Grad anziehen kannst. Dein Browser kann dieses Video nicht abspielen. Morgens
  • Pendler-Masken sind voll mit Bakterien und Pilzen

    by admin on 2023-03-16 16:57:31
    Gesichtsmasken gehören seit zwei Monaten zum Alltag vieler Schweizer. Sie sollen die Träger und ihre Umgebung vor dem Coronavirus schützen. Das Konsumentenmagazin «K-Tipp» hat untersucht, wie sauber die Hygienemasken von Pendlern nach dem Tragen waren.Dazu wurden 20 Einwegmasken von Zürcher Pa
  • Recycling, Stoffwindeln oder ganz ohne? Lösungen für den Windelberg - Zukunft - derStandard.de › Wissen und Gesellschaft

    by admin on 2023-03-16 16:57:13
    Rund 5.000 Windeln braucht ein Wickelkind insgesamt. Ökologisch ist das eine Katastrophe. Vier Ansätze einer LösungAlle, die ein Kind haben, wissen es wahrscheinlich: Schon ab dem ersten Tag entsteht durch Windeln ganz schön viel Müll. Wie viele es insgesamt sind, wurde wissenschaftlich zwar no
  • Babywippe-Test: Diese 10 Modelle erfreuen Eltern (und Babys)

    by admin on 2023-03-16 16:56:55
    Die Babywippe gehört für viele Eltern zur Erstausstattung einfach dazu. Sie bietet nicht nur einen optimalen Ablegeplatz fürs Baby, falls wir doch mal eben beide Hände brauchen, viele Minis genießen ihre extra Schaukel-, Wipp- oder Wiegeeinheit. Aber welche Wippe kaufen? Die
  • Is a Steel Prefab House a Good Choice ?

    by admin on 2022-10-21 00:00:00
    If you're planning to build a new home, you may be wondering if a Steel Prefab House is a good choice. After all, they are more affordable to build than other types of homes, and they also offer beautiful living environments. Moreover, they can add value to your property.Steel is a high-performa
  • Is a Steel Prefab House a Good Choice ?

    by admin on 2022-10-21 00:00:00
    If you're planning to build a new home, you may be wondering if a Steel Prefab House is a good choice. After all, they are more affordable to build than other types of homes, and they also offer beautiful living environments. Moreover, they can add value to your property.Steel is a high-performa
  • Types of Prefab Houses from HoMagic

    by admin on 2022-10-20 00:00:00
    A Prefab House is a type of prefabricated building that is shipped offsite and assembles on site. Often referred to as a "prefab", this type of building is designed to be fast, easy, and affordable. Prefabricated buildings are usually made in standard sections, allowing them to be shipped
  • Is a Steel Prefab House a Good Choice ?

    by admin on 2022-10-20 00:00:00
    If you're planning to build a new home, you may be wondering if a Steel Prefab House is a good choice. After all, they are more affordable to build than other types of homes, and they also offer beautiful living environments. Moreover, they can add value to your property.Steel is a high-performa
  • How to choose a plan for container homes

    by admin on 2022-10-20 00:00:00
    Modular HouseIf you've always wanted to own your own home, but were worried about the expense, consider building a modular house. These homes are designed to be built quickly and are more energy efficient than traditional homes. And unlike conventional homes, modular homes don't require exte
  • How to choose a plan for container homes

    by admin on 2022-10-20 00:00:00
    Modular HouseIf you've always wanted to own your own home, but were worried about the expense, consider building a modular house. These homes are designed to be built quickly and are more energy efficient than traditional homes. And unlike conventional homes, modular homes don't require exte